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Downstage is NZ's longest running professional theatre, est. 1964. Take a look inside and get a feeling how theatre is produced and updates on our shows and information on specials. If you have any suggestions please email us to marketing@downstage.co.nz

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pick of the Fringe plays wow Downstage audiences

"A great show by a talented group of youngsters. It worked on lots of levels. Although knowledge of the plays the characters came from was helpful you could still get lots out of it without that."


"Very cute and fun."

"Well written and acted. A solid hour of entertainment."

"SENSIBLE SUSAN WAS GREAT! Engaging, funny and all actors seemed to have an individual personality that they brought to the production well! Use of props and stage area was creative and all the friends I brought along throughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you!"

"Sensible Susan was just incredible! Funny as while still spot on... props!"

"I thought the show was entertaining and it was great that it was signed for the deaf community. I'd not seen that before."

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